Saturday, March 9, 2013
Pope John Paul II Catholic School
Annual Auction

Black & White Gala Auction 2013
Saturday, March 9, 2013
We at Pope John Paul II Catholic School are excited to be entering our 28th year of providing high quality education to children in pre-school through eighth grade. You can make a difference by donating to the PJPII Annual Auction.   

Each year our Home and School Association hosts an annual auction to raise funds for our educational programs.  This year’s theme will be a Black & White Gala  and will take place the evening of March 9, 2013. This fun-filled evening will include dinner, drinks, live music, and several auctions including live, silent, kangaroo, and dessert.  

We would like to extend a special thank you to those of you who have participated in the past. We appreciate your support.   Early receipt of your donation will help optimize the advertising exposure for your business.  To ensure your donation is included in the printed program, we request your contribution be received by February 28, 2013. Your tax deductible donation or sponsorship to this event will ensure that affordable outstanding learning will continue to be available to children in our community. Please accept our sincere thanks and gratitude for your generosity, and please join us March 9, 2013!                 

Stacy Leach
Auction Chairperson                                                                                          
